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The Loud Silence of the Eyes

Created by Alberto Sisso | | Personal Project

I was able to hear the strong nature of their passions, dreams, and yearnings.


My portraits are built on a listening in for the true nature of passions, dreams, and yearnings of my subjects.  Most strikingly it sounds, for me, in the silence of the human gaze.  Loud Silence of the Eyes is my record of this hearing — an account of connections made in the swift second of my shutter’s release.

Yet in truth, a portrait is the sum of three.  The subject, the photographer and the viewer.  The photographer and his subject produce the composition, but it is the viewer who ultimately writes the accompanying soundtrack to the still image. The portraits contained in Loud Silence of the Eyes salute that proliferation of the story comprised in a frame, and extends a space and a prompt in which to recognize our shared humanity.